Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pros and cons of English being the international lingua franca Essay

English speakers in the world including those who are in the inner circle, outer circle and expanding circle had reached to 380 millions of people since 2001. The finding shows how influential English Language is. Gradually, English become the international lingua franca, â€Å"utilized outside of the country or countries of its origin.†( Subject Area – English Language Essays) The Lingua Franca There are both pros and cons of English becoming the international lingua franca. English is the best candidate language for lingua franca. Many countries take English as the second language, students learn English under the education system mandatorily. In this way, the percentage of the population had the standard level of understanding of English, which is a non-native language, is unprecedentedly large. Also, there are so many English Language media immersing in the world, for example movies, pop music, the American TV programmes and the internet etc. The high level of invasion of the Anglophone societies’ culture creates a platform for learners to enhance their English abilities, just by sitting in front of the computer. Learning English is as easy as this without having to go to an English speaking country. Under the fact that English is widespread in comparison to the most other languages, there is no doubt that English is the most suitable to be the international lingua franca. In addition, overcoming the language barriers is the potential benefit of English. Communications are difficult when people don’t have a common language. With English being the lingua franca, it is easier for people to disseminate ideas and also break down cultural boundaries that separate people apart at the same. Van Parijs who is a Professor at the Faculty of economic, social and political sciences of the University of Louvain, gives the example of the use of English by Belgians when discussing the separation of that country with the Dutch-speaking Flemish and the French-speaking Walloons. They choose to hold the conversation in English as they would like to show mutual respect to both the Flemish and Walloons, by not privileging some Belgians over one another. â€Å"With English as the lingua franca, instead  of having to choose a language that some of the participants in the conversation understand but not others, one can choose a language that leaves no one completely left out.† (Benjamin Studebaker), I totally agree with this statement. People can communicate only when they have a common language, with English a language the widespread and popular in the world, English propose a potential benefits to the world as a lingua franca. Despite the fact that English is beneficial for communication, there are drawbacks of English being the lingua franca. For institutionalized teaching of English in non-ENL countries, there are problems found. First, English grammar, vocabularies, pronunciation so on, serves as obstacles for students to learn completely standard English. â€Å"English grammar and verb conjugation is extremely irregular, requiring a considerable amount of rote memorization, instead of the application of logical and consistent rules† (Subject Area – English Language Essays The Lingua Franca) The above saying shows the difficult part of learning English, and it is true that we cannot create sentence in our own logic instead we do that in memorizing sentence patterns. Also, we won’t know all of the slangs that the American and the British use meanwhile we cannot avoid they speak those unknown slangs to us. The second drawback of English being the international lingua franca is that the dominance of the English language proposes a threat to our own language. Taking Hong Kong as an example, English is set to be the second language here, abilities of English usually come first than Chinese. Therefore, parents always place English a high place. When children’s result in English language is poor, they spend so much money on remedial classes. But if in the other way round, may be some parents won’t care. Gradually, students themselves cultivate that value that English language is much more important, and that Chinese language is being undervalued as a result. There are both pros and cons of English being the lingua franca, and the situation of English being the lingua franca is not changing in this few decades, all we can do is to explore those advantages and drawbacks and avoid the seriousness of the drawbacks deteriorating. Works Cited Profile of Van Parijs. University of Oxford. 14 Feb 2014 Benjamin Studebaker. English Lingua Franca. 20 May 2013 â€Å"Subject Area – English Language Essays The Lingua Franca†. 2006

Friday, August 30, 2019

Community College Students Essay

Often times, community college students are depicted by the public and the media as â€Å"not smart enough† or â€Å"not capable. † For example, just recently I was at Barnes and Noble and as I was looking for a book the sales associate approached me. She asked me if I needed help then asked me what school I attended, when I told her that I go to Fullerton College her attitude changed. She asked me if I didn’t go to a four year university because of my grades, when I told her that, that wasn’t the reason she went on ranting that I need to do good in school and I shouldn’t be at a community college. It seems that the public look down on the students at community college. When watching the show, â€Å"Blue Mountain State,† you have a group of friends that happen to be on the universities football team. On the show is portrays the typical university life and the football players engage in heavy drinking, drugs and lots of sex. If a four university is offering that then what is so good about going to one? Often times you hear about crazier parties thrown by universities rather than community colleges. Universities are supposed to be prestigious but these huge parties are throwing them off. Many times the public says that community college is no good because of its parties with drugs, they say that’s why no students should aim for community colleges but statistics say that universities throw the biggest parties. Who are the bad guys now? Recent talk on the website collegeconfidential. om, students talk about how their parents do not want their kids to go to a community college. This is a website for real people with answers from people who have had the experiences. A student just recently posted that his parents did not want him to go to a community college because they are no good. Many people were quick to respond to his post, most of the people who replied were adults who have had the experience, even some professors, and they told him that community college is not bad at all. The responders replied by saying that ommunity college has great professors and are cheaper than a four year university. Of course at a four year university you will get a bit better education, but for those who cannot afford the fees it is great for them. For example, a user , â€Å"NTKTOP,† posted this comment. â€Å"My parents say that they suck and that they’re going to kick me out of the house if I go to one. † This student sees nothing wrong with community college but his parents do, then this is what one San Diego State University graduate had to say, â€Å"I don’t think they’re bad. Of course, it depends on the school you choose and professor you get, but that’s the same of any traditional school. CC can be a good jumping board for some people. No matter where you go, you will find easy professors but in my experience CC is a not a bad choice. † This is my second semester in a community college; so far everything has been going good. The professors I have had are not very difficult but do not give easy grades. Last semester I had a Spanish class that was for advanced speakers but there were some things that did not click in my mind. My professor would stay with me after class to try and help me to better understand the material. This semester my math class has tutors that they offer for free. I take advantage of these resources because they are free and the professors are willing to help me out without any problem. The stories I hear from my friends in community college are that they have teachers that care for the student’s education; they do not give easy grades just because we are in community college. Many professors want to further our knowledge and prepare us for our transfer to a university. No matter where you go, you will get a great education. The United States is known worldwide for its prestigious schools. A big part has to come from the students, if the student is willing to put in the time, dedication and effort their possibilities are endless. So far, community college has been a great experience for me. I have great professors who are always able to help out. The media tries to pick on community colleges but in reality, it is a great choice in this economy. Many students that leave a four year university have a huge debt to pay because of loans. Many students choose community college because it is a fraction of the cost of a university. I do not think it is fair when parents judge community colleges as bad; you can get a good education for a very affordable price. You can go to a community college such as Fullerton College, which has great professors, to get your general education classes out of the way for a low price then transfer to a four year university to mainly focus on your degree classes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning

How is the use of reasoning into the framework of my thesis research plan? Answer . a. Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning Before directly answering the questions above, I'll describe a little understanding of philosophical reasoning itself. According JuJunSuriasumantri, Reasoning is a thinking process in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge. So reasoning is the thinking process started from empirical observation that produces a number of concepts and understanding. As an activity of thinking reasoning has certain haracteristics.The first feature is a logical thought process, which is defined as logical thinking activities according to certain patterns or in other words according to certain logic. The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process. Analytic properties are the consequence of the existence of a certain thought pattern. The analysis is essentially an activity of thinking based on certain measures. Also according to JintutNocturna, the characteristics of reasoning that is thorough, fundamental, and speculative. The nature of its thinking is comprehensive.A philosopher does not know the content of science is only from the perspective of science itself, but they wanted to see the nature of science in the perspective of others. They wanted to connect science with other aspects. They wanted to know the relation of science to morals and regard science with religion. They wanted to believe what science knows that can bring benefit or not. That is the idea that broad because it does not have limit itself and not Just in terms of one particular viewpoint. Thought philosophical want to know the relationship between sciences with others science, relationships between moral cience, art and life goals.The nature of its thinking is fundamental. A philosopher does not believe it the truth the knowledge gained. They were always in doubt and questioning: Why science can be called the true? How the assessment process based on these criteria is? Is the criterion true? Then what is its own right? Like a circle and any questions always arise continuously. That is, thinking until the results of a fundamental or essential objectscan be learned for all the rationale and scientific value. So, do not Just stop at peripheries(skin), but penetrating into its depths. The ature of its thinking is speculative.Philosophers speculate on the truth. Speculative nature of it, is also a philosopher continue to test and then gave birth to a knowledge and can answer the question of the validity of the trust. Based on the characteristics is an activity that uses the potential for the widest possible sense and freely without being limited by anything radically, systematically, universal and comprehensive as well as speculative and fundamental in revealing the nature of a truth. It is the ideas obtained and provide a basis for further thinking. The results of its thought were lways intended as a basis for exploring a new area of knowledge.Based on characteristics of the philosophy of the above , it can be concluded that philosophy is an activity that uses the broadest reasonable potential and freely without being restricted by anything radically,sistematic universal , comprehensive and non- speculative and fundamental in nature reveals the truth . That is, the ideas that come form the basis for further thoughts . The results of his thought was always intended as a basis for exploring new areas of knowledge. In the preparation of the thesis , ust be based on scientific studies that can be proven.Scientific knowledge is based A. Ontology Ontology is a branch of philosophy that talks about that there . In terms of science , the foundation of ontology questioned about objects that can be studied by science , what its essential form , and how it relates to human perception such as thinking , feeling , and clicking sense led to knowledge. Ontology is the study of objects that are not visible on one particular embodiment , which discusses that there are universal , that is trying to find a core that is loaded every fact which encompasses all of reality n all its forms .The existence of all things is an aspect of reality that transcends all differences between the objects and living beings , between the types and individuals . Of the discussion raises some views that are grouped into multiple streams of thought namely Materialism Flow is said that the essence of everything that exists is matter . Something there ( le material ) may only born there. Idealism(spiritualism) This stream replied weaknesses of materialism , which says that it is precisely the nature of spiritual beings (spiritual ) . Is the idea that spiritual world is more real han the material .Dualism The flow of material and wanted to unite the ideas , which argues that the essence of beings ( the fact ) in this universe is composed of two sources , namely the material and the spiritual Agnosticism This flow is the opinion o f the philosophers who take a skeptical attitude , which is free of any answers that may be true and it may not. B. Epistemology Object study epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to differentiate with others . So with regard to the circumstances of time and space about something .Epistemological foundation is what allows the process of getting knowledge of logic , ethics , aesthetics , and the procedure how to obtain scientific truth , moral goodness and beauty of art , and what is the definition . Examines moral epistemology about the epistemic evaluation of moral Judgment and moral theories. In epistemology appears multiple streams of thought,namely : Meaningful experience ( emperies ) , where human knowledge acquired from sensory experience . Rationalism Without denying the huge benefits of sensory experiences in human life , but the erception of the senses is only used to stimulate the intellect .So the sense is above the sensory experienc e and emphasize the deductive method. Positivism A synthesis of empiricism and rationalism . By taking the point of departure from empiricism , but have sharpened the experiment , which is able to objectively determine the validity and reliability of knowledge . Intuitionism Intuition is not the same as feeling , however, is the result of understanding the evolution of high that only human . The ability to understand the full truth , which is fixed and unique . C. Axiology Axiology is the philosophical value . This aspect is related to the value of the (1 ) good and bad , and (2) beautiful and ugly .The first category of category : value under the study of philosophy called ethics or behavior , while the second category is the object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty. Ethics also called moral philosophy ethics ( moral philosophy) , which comes from the word ethos ( Greek ) which means character . Moral derived from the word mos or mores ( Latin ) which means habit . In the Indonesian term is defined moral or ethical decency . Material object of ethics is human behavior or actions , being the object of a formal ethics is good or bad , moral or immoral. Human morality is the object of study ethic that has aged very long .Since human society is formed , which is in accordance with the behavioral issues of morality have been discussed . Associated with it , then came two theories that explain how a behavior that can be measured ethically . The theory in question is Deontological and Theological . a. Deontological . Deontological theories inspired by the thought of Immanuel Kant , who seem rigid , onservative and preserve the status quo , which states that the merits of a behavior is assessed in terms of the act itself , and not the result . A good behavior if that behavior fit the existing norms . b.Theological Theological theory more emphasizing results . A piece of good behavior if the behavior is much more profitable than harm , where gains and los ses are seen from the indicators of human interest . This theory raises two views , namely egoism and utilitarianism ( utilisme ) . People who teach is Jeremy Bentham (1742 – 1832) , which is then corrected by John Stuart Mill ( 1806-1873 ) . ?Aesthetics Aesthetics are also called beauty philosophy ( philosophy of beauty) , which is derived from the word aisthetika or aisthesis ( Greek ) which means that the things that can be perceived by the senses or sensory perception .Discuss aesthetic issues related to critical reflection on values over something called Indak or not beautiful . On the way from the era of ancient Greek philosophy until now appears the question of aesthetics , namely : what is the question that beauty , the beauty that is both objective and subjective , the beauty of the size , the role of beauty in human life and he beauty of the relationship with the truth .So the question was being debated attractive especially if it is associated with religion and the values of decency , because they never reach completion. b. How to Use On Such reasoning In My Thesis Research Plan? From the description of the reasoning characteristics above can be described that in scientific research on my thesis should refer to the three scientific studies that can be proved. Scientific knowledge based on ontology, Epistemology and Axiology.In this case I plan on studying†The Use of Portfolio Assessment in English Language Course of Samarinda Polytechnic Students† In this case, first of all I relate my research to the study of ontology in relation to science, the foundation of ontology questioned about the objects studied by science, how is the essential form, and how it relates to human perception in the form of thinking, feeling, and senses that produce the knowledge.Here, I will review first the definition of the assessment itself, including the types of assessment that exist in the world of education, then I describe of these species leads to the portfolio assessment and its definition. After that I gave evidence o the theory of portfolio assessment that has been around for examples of this include also the terms of portfolio assessment itself. After reviewing the terms of ontology, I will review my research in terms of epistemology.ObJect of the study in epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to distinguish with the other. So this part will deal with regard to the circumstances of space and time about something. The cornerstone of epistemology is what is the process to get the knowledge by logic, ethics, aesthetics, and the procedure and how o obtain scientific truth, moral goodness also beauty of art, and what the definition. Epistemic moral of epistemology examines the evaluation of moral judgments andmoral theories.From the foundation of epistemology above, I can describe my research on these processes in which this study took place during the assessment was given in one semester and then the results are measured from the students who follow courses in English. From the view of epistemology, my scientific research shows how the sequence of events and portfolio assessment process was ut in place, and inside there are also barriers faced by faculty and students in the provision of portfolio assessment and also the excess deficiency.Assessment indicators are also included in the review epistemology which I will discuss in my research. The third study that will be entered in my thesis that scientific research based on the view of Axiology. Axiology is the philosophical value. Aspects of this value is related to the following categories: (1) good and bad, and (2) beautiful and ugly. The first category of value under the study of philosophy called ethics or ehavior, while the second category is an object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty.In relation to my thesis of scientific research, which involves study of axiology or the value of research results to the people, in this case the use of portfolios can provide benefits and can be used in the assessing of English language and be reviewed again if it can increase the score of the English language Samarinda Polytechnic Students. In addition, my research is certainly has the weaknesses that can be added to further research in subsequent studies, so that the value and enefits of this research is philosophically continues to grow and not static at one JuJun S, Suriasumantri, Filsafat Ilmu, Sebuah Pengantar Populer.

Racial Discrimination and Health Problems Essay

Racial Discrimination and Health Problems - Essay Example How much of this stands true for racism specific stress has also been the subject focus of many studies. Researchers found an association between perceived racism and ambulatory blood pressure in African American college students. Also in the workplace, stressful racism places African Americans in a high probability group for the development of higher blood pressures. This clearly shows that racism can hasten the onset of hypertension even in younger age group and possible conclusion that can be drawn is that in an aging population the superimposed ill effects of stress induced by racism may be even greater. Similarly, women with higher stress scores who were subjected to high levels of internalized racism were at a higher risk of developing metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes due to altered hormone secretion. Studies have also attempted to assess objectively, mental and psychological implications of racism specific stress. Further research necessary to reach a conclusion linking the association of stress per se resulting from experiencing racial discrimination per se leading to changes in the health status of people who are getting older is carried out as seen below. Various measured variables are compared with a control group in the same age group without any exposure to racial prejudice taking into account confounding factors such as lifestyle habits, the presence of other risk factors such as smoking, environmental factors and preexisting or propensity for other age-related diseases because of heredity.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Logic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Logic - Research Paper Example If we do not act at the right time, the anthropogenic climate could lead to the devastation of earth and our very own existence(Thesis) According to (TOC,2007) â€Å"Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone†. The greenhouse gas enact for the greenhouse effect and heat up the earth on a gradual process. The burning of fossils is the largest contributing factor of green house effect as it releases large quantity of carbon – di -oxide into the atmosphere. The major concern of greenhouse effect is that it gives way to the heating of the earth and increase the temperature around the globe. The anthropogenic climate change can be explained as the gradual increase in the climatic temperature of earth due to the greenhouse gas emitting. Green house gas emitting leads to the increase in the heat of the planet and leads to the melting of ice in the polar region which can increase the overall seal level on the earth. Even though not very obvious, green house effect is affecting many parts of the earth. The green house gas mostly contains, carbon – di- oxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane which traps the heat and sunlight and elevates the temperature of the planet. Global warming risks the existence of plants, animals and human beings. This entrapping of heat and sunlight in the atmosphere is called the anthropogenic climate change and can evolve the current status of the planet. In this process, the heat get entrapped in the atmosphere but cannot get out of the atmosphere. Because of this process the temperature of atmosphere rises and climatic condition of earth changes with seal level. If the temperature of the planet goes on increasing the productivity pattern of the earth can changes at a rapid level. This can

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Define and discuss two different theories of poverty Essay

Define and discuss two different theories of poverty - Essay Example The main rationale for our constrained definition is that our focus would be on understanding the theories of poverty in this explorative paper. To develop an understanding of the theories of poverty, we look at the origins: individual and cultural. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on the individual and cultural origins of poverty. We explore each agenda from different research perspectives. This will help us develop a multi-dimensional lens through which we view the subject. We first explore the various factors in understanding poverty from the viewpoint of the Individual theory. Here we identify the interactions of the individual with others in society, the political and regulatory set-up. We also try and understand the psychographic and demographics of the individual and how these factors could affect poverty. The second part of our essay concentrates on identifying the cultural nuances that impact poverty. Again we study the theory from the viewpoint of the various forces that act on the cultural characteristics. We explore the interaction of culture with religion, politics and the structural issues that have influenced poverty. Towards the end, we summarize our perspectives and work on providing a balanced viewpoint. For an individual, poverty can be defined not only in monetary terms but also in terms of stunted capabilities which hamper the achievement of full human potential (Green 2006). Here, poverty amounts to a state of being in a zone of powerlessness and excluded from the decision making prerogatives that accompany people who are in better employment positions. If an individual belongs to this state, then that could possibly translate to living in unhygienic conditions, with poor access to education, healthcare and employment opportunities. We now trace the factors that could cause this existential state. The individual theory states that

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Assignment - 5

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Assignment Example Walmart’s international operations began in 1991 when the retailer entered into a joint venture with Cifra, a Mexican retail company. During the fiscal year ended January 31, 2013, the retailer recorded net sales of $274 billion from its U.S. operations. During the same period, Walmart garnered net sales of $135 billion from its international operations. Technological changes including advancements in information and communication technology have played a monumental role in Walmart’s success. Walmart has been a pioneer in embracing technology. In 1987, the company installed the largest private satellite communication system in the United States (Walmart, 2014). The system enabled the retailer to link its business operations through voice, data as well as video communication. The company uses robots in its warehouses to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The retailer is also introducing convertible cash registers at its stores to enable self-checkout by customers. Walmart relies heavily on information technology in its back office support functions. Walmart recognizes the importance of the rapidly expanding e-commerce market and has invested heavily to build strong capabilities in online and mobile infrastructure. A strong web presence is likely to enable Walmart offer a wide assortment of products to its customers anytime, anywhere. An upgraded search engine for has already led to increased online sales for the retailer. The various macro environmental dimensions like political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors affect the working of Walmart. The ideology of the government determines whether it is pro or anti business. Since Walmart is present in numerous countries, it faces diverse political circumstances. Political instability in any country has the potency to adversely affect the operations and revenues of Walmart. The retailer has to ensure

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Communication of the Saudi Arabian Culture Research Paper

Communication of the Saudi Arabian Culture - Research Paper Example ere allowed to enter Saudi Arabia only when they witnessed during the Depression period, a drastic fall in their revenues which they received from the pilgrims (Lacey, 2009, p.75). The principles and values intrinsic in these morals as well as devotion to Islam lie down at the core of the enlightening among the diversified group of citizens and non citizens, tribal or non-tribal, living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The societal values which are a part of the everyday behavior of Saudis include kindness, unselfishness, and generosity; respect for elders in the hierarchical structure of the family; liberation and independence on others and command over the emotions and feelings of each others; and a readiness to maintain lives of other members of the family assuming accountability for their mistakes also (Abbasi & Hollman, 1993, p.56). Saudis worry that respite of the world picturing them as coming from another planet, although most are outstandingly polite and convivial once you truly break free from the principles. Limitations on intermingling between not related people of the opposite sex stay rigorous. Currently, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is managing to move on against its harsh rules, initially by starting a coeducation university, allowing women to sell private clothing to other women, even harmonizing down the decapitations. King Abdullah has taken drastic measures for the positive environment of the nation. However, to the rest of the globalizing world, these changes are hardly noticeable. Saudi Arabia is measured or seen as an extremely high context culture. In high-context cultures, significance is entrenched more in the perspective rather than the policy. Hall (1982) discussed that "most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message" (p.18). Thus it is important for the listener must appreciate the appropriate signals so as to seize the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thomas friedman is the chief forign correspondent Term Paper

Thomas friedman is the chief forign correspondent - Term Paper Example However, two protocols of Geneva conventions have not been ratified by the law of United States of America. Nevertheless, the U.S Uniform Code of Military Justice declares that torture should not be practiced by ensuring that prisoners must be treated humanly. The Military Code states that violation of Geneva contention is a crime. This is a clear indication that torture is not supported by Uniform Code of Military Justice since Geneva convention declares that prisoners are protected against torture; public curiosity, intimidation and insults . Moreover, whoever commits torture is to be punished by life imprisonment or term imprisonment as stipulated by Uniform Code of Military Justice. The actions of U.S agents in 2002 at Abu Ghraib prison can be regarded as violation of Geneva accords as torturing actions were viewed during the U.S invasion. The torturing actions included: stripping people naked, poking people, pushing people, use of threatening dogs and depriving people of sleep. However, one can argue that such tactics were not torturing but inhuman punishments and acts of cruel which do not torture although the actions were not justified. Also Geneva accords do not apply to Taliban detainees since the conflicts were international in scope and article three considers only an armed conflict but not a global character. Furthermore Taliban detainees are unlawful group hence could not be viewed as war prisoners. In addition, reliability of confession might have been obtained under torture hence questionable making the United States of America’s agents not responsible for acts of torture. One can make a conclusion that the problem occurred due to Geneva accords which were not specific and that the actions of United States’ agents were legal since they were handling unlawful group. Moreover, ambiguous instructions were given to the agents since administration officials gave out

Friday, August 23, 2019

What has been the role of international trade in the development of Essay

What has been the role of international trade in the development of China in the past two decades - Essay Example Hence the people who were a victim of such social conflicts since two generations had a hope to prosper themselves despite of a weak economy caused by high inflation and their distorted homeland and transportation links. Therefore the Soviet example was embraced as a new political and economic model. Hence in early 1950's a new reconstruction program was taken up in economic and social areas. The new leaders were focused to restore economy, rebuilding war damaged areas and implemented leaderships in women, labors and other mass organizations as well. All this was done and attained through the control of politically loyal government sectors. In 1958, Mao announced a new economic program called "The Great Leap Forward" which was aimed to prosper the economy through industrialization and agricultural productions. Though The Great Leap Forward was not that fruitful the Chinese didn't lose hope and still worked hard to strengthen their agriculture and industry sector (OECD [1], 2006). It was in 1979 then when China rehabilitated and opened its economy and adopted more pragmatic approach on political and socioeconomic matters. This economic transformation had a reflective impact not only in China but on the world too. From the last two decades China has implemented market - oriented reforms which resulted not only in the largest reduction of poverty but also attained fasted growth in income levels as well. As a fruit of this hard and headstrong labor China today is the fourth largest economy in the world and has sustained an average economic growth of over 9.5% for the past 26 years. In 2006 its US $ 2.6b trillion economy was about one-fifth the size of the US economy. However by the late 1980s the economy was worked up with increasing rates of inflation. Due to which Austerity Program was introduced by the government of China by the end of 1988 (OECD [1], 2006). In early 1990s China's economy regained momentum. Deng Xiaoping a dominant leader of that time, in early 1992, made a series of political pronouncements designed to revitalize the economic reform and hence 'Social Market Economy' was formed. This resulted in a 10 year plan in the political system with bolder reform of the economic system. China is the world's most populous country. It is one of the largest producers and consumers of agricultural products. China is among the largest producers of rice, corn, wheat, soya beans, vegetables, tea and pork. And its major non-food crops include cotton, other fibers and oil seeds. Over 40 % of China's labor is engaged in agriculture though only 10% of the land is suitable for cultivation. Due to which its GDP contributes 13% because of agriculture. According to a survey China's cropland area is only 75% of the US total but still produces 30% more crops and live-stock than the US (Guo, 2006). Industry and construction comprises of 46% of China's GDP. Iron, steel, coal, aluminum mining, ore processing, machinery, textiles, apparel, cement, petroleum, fertilizers and chemical are foremost industries of China. Consumer's products have a wide range including toys, electronics, foot wear, automobiles and telecommunications. China's strength as an export-platform has contributed to increased incomes and employment. About 40% of GDP is the stases-owned sector. The chief driver of China's rapid economic growth is governed by the exports. For this China has pursued policies such as fostering development of foreign invested factories. Foreign invested factories assemble imported materials (components) into consumer goods for export by

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Biochemistry and Technology Essay Example for Free

Biochemistry and Technology Essay 1. For the lesson, I chose the topic of animal cloning for agricultural needs. 2. The sources I used are 3. Cloning has always been something of science fiction, the ability to make an exact copy of an organism. Recently though, this sci-fi idea is more of reality than ever. Many have heard of Dolly the sheep, a perfect clone, but cloning has been done many times throughout the world. Rabbits, horses, mice and others have been clone before. Since cloning only takes one parent cell, the offspring is an exact genetic replica of the first. Now, cloning for agriculture was one of the first marketing thoughts on the subject. If a farmer were to have just one healthy pig that could end up being 100 healthy pigs, it would get rid of the problem of genetic problems with farm animals. A 100% success rate would help the farming business greatly. 4. There are many positive aspects of cloning technology for the use of livestock trading. This technology would benefit all in the livestock circle. Imagine that every steak you came from the â€Å"near-perfect† cow. Each cow would have the genes of one â€Å"perfect† cow. This would give the consumer and producer less work of having to find the best of what they want. 5. Many fear that cloning could be used for the wrong purposes, the main being human testing. People fear that the testing of animals is just the first step to people. Another problem that people fear is that animals will start to less seem like animals and just soulless things. 6. So Dolly was not the first clone, and she looked like any other sheep, so why did she cause so much excitement and concern, since she was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell, rather than an embryo. This was a major scientific achievement, but also raised ethical concerns.

Ap Compare Essay Essay Example for Free

Ap Compare Essay Essay AP Compare Essay During the 1450- 1800s, both the Spanish Empire and the Ottoman Empire were becoming powerful. Spain found the Americas while the Ottomans took over Constantinople. Both contained land which allowed Spain to focus on raw materials while the Ottoman Empire focused on expansion. Spain found the Americas which allowed Spain to find raw materials and help increase their economy. The Spanish was able to dominate other Empires because they found the Americas. On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire started to expand across the region because they were able to take over Constantinople. This allowed the Ottoman Empire to become one of the world powers. As soon as Spain found the Americas, they focused on grabbing raw materials because it would allow them to dominate the world economy. This also allowed Spain to become richer and powerful. However, as soon as the Ottoman Empire gained control over Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire knew they were able to expand their Empire because the Empire gained a lot of power which other countries were afraid of. Spain’s empire building process was focusing on a merchant empire because they wanted to dominate the economy; however, the Ottoman Empire’s building process as focusing on strengthening their military force. The Spanish lacked value as they focused on going to the Americas for almost everything like raw materials and natural resources. The Ottoman Empire government was corrupted which forced their military to maintain the Empire. Between the 1450- 1800s, both the Spanish and Ottoman were becoming the world’s powerful empire Spain and the Ottoman focused on different ideas, as Spain focused on merchant as Ottoman focused on strengthening military and expansion.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Black History Project Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr Cultural Studies Essay

Black History Project Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr Cultural Studies Essay On April 16, 1947, Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. was born in Harlem to Cora Lillian and Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Sr. Who knew that he would grow up to be one of the greatest basketball players in the history of the NBA. He is more recognized by his changed name, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Abdul-Jabbar was raised in Manhattan and did not live a wealthy life. His mother, Cora Lillian, worked as a department store price checker and the father, Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Sr., was a transit police officer and a jazz musician. He weighed at 12 pounds and 10 ounces at birth and was twenty-two and a half inches long. ( His grandfather was of Trinidad descent and was 68 tall and his father was 62 tall. Even his mother, who was of Cherokee descent, was 511 tall. His parents raised him to be Catholic (however he later converted to Islam) and he was enrolled in St. Judes Elementary in Washington Heights. He was one of the only two African Americans in the grade school. Abdul-Jabbar was then transferred to Holy Providence Boarding School in Cornell Heights, Pennsylvania in the fourth grade. The student population in the school numbered only 40 male students, all of whom were African American. Abdul-Jabbar was a hardworking child and an honor student, which made him seem unlikeable by other students. He hardly fit with the crowd in school so his parents brought him back to New York City when he completed the fourth grade. ( Abdul-Jabbar considers many people to be his heroes and inspired him to pull through whenever he went through tough times. When he was a boy, he and his mother used to listen to baseball on the radio. His favorite team was the Brooklyn Dodgers and his favorite player was Jackie Robinson who ended almost sixty years of segregation in sports. Abdul-Jabbar admires his courage, grace, and patience the most because it inspired him to utilize those qualities not only in daily life, but as well as when he entered the realm of professional sports. ( Other heroes that have helped Abdul-Jabbar through his times of hardships include Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ( Abdul-Jabbar got hooked on to basketball at a very early age. In Manhattan, Abdul-Jabbar spent his time with his friends playing basketball at a local playground called the Battlegrounds at Amsterdam. At Holy Providence, he also spent time during recess periods playing peach-basket basketball. He improved greatly playing on the courts of Philadelphia and when he finished the eighth grade he was well-respected in the sport. His frame, at the time, of 6-feet-8-inches provided a great advantage towards other players he faced. He was able to go to Power Memorial High School by scholarship in 1962, where he played for the varsity team for four years. Abdul-Jabbar led the varsity team with the influence of Coach Jack Donahue to a 78-1 record and two national championships. He made the all-city team for each of his four years of high school, and there he set a New York City record for the most points scored by a high school player, as well as the most rebounds. ( s/23/Abdul-Jabbar-Kareem-Childhood-Big-Man.html) Also with a scholarship of his choice, Abdul-Jabbar played for the UCLA Bruins from 1966 to 1969 under Coach John Wooden. Abdul-Jabbar led the Bruins to a three-year record of an outstanding 88 wins and only two losses. He acquired many accolades in his college career which made him very noticeable and recognizable to other players and teams. He was awarded Player of the Year twice for 1967 and 1969, three-time First Team All-American, played on three NCAA Basketball champion teams, honored as the Most Outstanding Player in the NCAA Tournament three times, and became the first-ever Naismith College Player of the Year which was renamed as the Oscar Robertson Trophy. Abdul-Jabbar became the only player to win the Helms Foundation Player of the Year. The most well-known college game of Abdul-Jabbar was on January 20, 1968 when he and the UCLA Bruins competed against the Houston Cougars in the first-ever nationally televised regular season college basketball game. At the Houston Astrodom e, over 50,000 fans witnessed the event live as Houston managed to defeat UCLA as a final score of 71-69. Abdul-Jabbar suffered a scratch on his left cornea during the game which definitely contributed to the lack of an adequate performance from the player. From then on, he wore his signature goggles for protection for his eye was still not 100% healed. Abdul-Jabbar then was drafted in the 1969 NBA Draft by the Milwaukee Bucks where he began his path to superstardom in the field of professional basketball. ( The multimedia file portrays the final seconds of the 1974 NBA Finals. Two blockbuster teams, the Celtics and the Bucks, went head-to-head in an epic contest. The video shows the legendary Kareem Abdul-Jabbar performing his signature skyhook shot over Henry Finkel to give the Milwaukee Bucks a 102-101 win in a double overtime. ( The skyhook shot was what Abdul-Jabbar was known for because it was very difficult to block. This was because the shot put his 72 frame between the basket and the ball. Only a few players even accomplished in blocking the skyhook shot. This win over the Celtics would send the series into a seventh game. A similar shot was used in the 1987 NBA Championship by Magic Johnson. Johnson referred it as the baby hook in reference to his good friend and teammate. ( A greater advantage for Abdul-Jabbar was the fact that he can do the skyhook with either hand. This made him even more diffi cult to defend. According to Abdul-Jabbar, the skyhook shot was the only shot I could use that didnt get smashed back in my face. (Kareem 112) Abdul-Jabbars professional career began when he was picked by the Milwaukee Bucks as a coin-toss over the Phoenix Suns. His place in the team enabled the 69-70 Bucks to achieve second place in the NBAs Eastern Division. He was ranked second in the league of scoring and third in the league of rebounding; for that, he received the award of NBA Rookie of the Year. In 70-71, Milwaukee then went on to record the second-best record with 66 wins. During his career in the Bucks, Abdul-Jabbar was awarded three NBA Most Valuable Player Awards, two scoring titles, and the NBA Championship. He played for the Milwaukee Bucks for a total of six seasons. In 1975, Abdul-Jabbar was drafted by the Lakers and he then began to actually step up his game even further by training harder and doing everything he can to improve his weaknesses. To develop a greater flexibility, Abdul-Jabbar began yoga in 1976 and was also known for physical fitness regimen. Throughout his entire career, Abdul-Jabbar acquired numerous accolades including a total of 38, 387 points, 17, 440 rebounds, and 3, 189 blocks. He has awarded six NBA Championships, six NBA MVPs, nineteen NBA All-Stars, two NBA Finals MVPs, ten All-NBA First Team Selections, five All-NBA Second Team Selections, five NBA All-Defensive First Teams Selections, six NBA All-Defensive Second Team Selection, 1970 NBA Rookie of the Year, 1970 NBA All-Rookie Team, participation in the NBAs 50th Anniversary All-Time Team, three NCAA Mens Basketball Championships, three NCAA Basketball Tournament MOPs, Naismith College Player of the Year, and a two-time USBWA College Player of the Year. ( His total stats add up to the following: games 1560, games started 625, minutes played 57446, field goals 15837, field goal attempts 28307, field goal percentage .559, three-point field goals 1, three-point field goal attempts 18, three-point field goal percentage .056, free throws 6712, free throw attempts 6712, free throw percentage .721, offensive rebounds 2975, defensive rebounds 9394, total rebounds 17440, assists 5660, steals 1160, blocks 3189, turnovers 2527, personal fouls 4657, and points 38387. ( Abdul-Jabbars NBA career lasted twenty long years, from 1969 to 1989. His talent was quickly recognized by his outstanding performance in college when he played for the UCLA Bruins. Abdul-Jabbar was a large star with many loyal fans. Many Abdul-Jabbar fans wore his signature goggles when attending the games to show their support for the player. Abdul-Jabbar announced his retirement on June 28, 1989, and during his final season, every team in the NBA gave him gifts including a yacht with the words Captain Skyhook on it. Abdul-Jabbar has served as an assistant coach for the LA Lakers since 2005. He is also interested in acting because of his fame through basketball. He made several television and film appearances including the sitcoms Full House, Everybody Loves Raymond, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. ( Abdul-Jabbar is a large advocate and supporter of helping the Muslim youth. He understands how many young Muslims face numerous acts of discrimination and negative stereotyping because of their religion. He advises them to simply explain how the religion of Islam has affected their lives positively. He relates the situation of the Muslims to the experience he went through as an African-American in the United States. Abdul-Jabbar explains that fanatics have taken over the stage and made Islam seem to be fanatic, when really it is the complete opposite since Muslims benefit every day from the morals and ethics the religion teaches. He says that the youth must be motivated and must not give in to the demeaning and demoralizing acts others do to discriminate Muslims. ( The primary type of charities Abdul-Jabbar supports are the ones that mainly promote cancer and leukemia. This is the case because Abdul-Jabbar himself is diagnosed with a rare type of leukemia. ( He discovered his condition when he suddenly began to feel odd sensations such as hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis. When he took an exam at the UCLA Medical Center, the doctor informed Abdul-Jabbar that his white blood cell count was excessive and the doctor diagnosed him with leukemia. However, the disease is not too serious for it can be treated and he can live a full, productive life. According to Abdul-Jabbars doctor, the disease tends to initially diagnose people in their mid-to-late 60s and typically affects males more than females. ( Abdul-Jabbar is the head of the Skyhook Foundation as well. The organization empowers childrens lives by not only motivating and inspiring them in sports but as well as in the importance of education. ( Abdul-Jabbar has been described to have a very shy and introverted personality. He always wore very formal attire when attending any event or occasion such as a suit or a tuxedo. Abdul-Jabbar explains that he is always uncomfortable when speaking to reporters and describes them as scurrying around like cockroaches after crumbs. At games, he has been described as an arrogant player; however, his performance at games certainly backs up his arrogance. ( In his private life, he has been described as a person with little words; however he is a very hardworking individual. Abdul-Jabbar married Habiba Abdul-Jabbar, but divorced in 1978. He had two daughters named Habiba and Sultana and one son named Kareem Jr. with her. Kareem Jr. also hopes to follow his fathers footsteps to professional basketball. He has two sons, Amir and Adam, with another woman named Cheryl Pistono. ( Jabbar) Abdul-Jabbar considers fellow basketball player Magic Johnson as one of his closest friends. Johnson respects Abdul-Jabbar so much that he performed the sky hook shot as the final shot instantly before the buzzer to win the 1987 NBA Finals as a form of gratitude towards his great friend. ( Abdul-Jabbar considers Coach Donahue for the Power Memorial High School and Coach Wooden for the UCLA Bruins to be his biggest motivations. The two coaches are the ones who really pushed Abdul-Jabbar to the limit for him to achieve and reach the success he dreamt of. ( Abdul-Jabbar said that his entire life turned for the better when he converted to Islam. The religion has taught him how having good intentions for things can bring good things to life. He is a rather honest, truthful, and quiet individual. ( Abdul-Jabbar is not very involved in the field of politics; however, he is a very strong supporter for helping the Muslim youth against discrimination. He has been known to only speak English because his parents were occupied with their profession. ( Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is considered a very good role model because he had a poor life. His perseverance and determination brought him to where he is today. His path to a successful career in the NBA can be an inspiration for many. This proves that nobody is crazy if they simply want to dream big. Pictorial Abdul-Jabbar Going For His Signature Sky Hook Shot ( Abdul-Jabbar Setting Up To Shoot ( File:Kareem Abdul Jabbar crop.jpg Abdul-Jabbar in the White House ( File:Kareem1vl1.jpg Abdul-Jabbar at a Book Signing ( Kareem Abdul-Jabbar shoots a sky hook over Xavier McDaniel.JPG Abdul-Jabbar Shoots a Sky Hook over Xavier McDaniel (

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Foils in Shakespeares Hamlet :: The Tragedy of Hamlet

Foils in Hamlet Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a well known play. Shakespeare uses foils in Hamlet to further create and explain Hamlet’s character. Foils are created in a play to help the audience better understand a major character by giving the character someone to talk to and compare the major character to. [Using the definition as the thesis was not a good idea in this paper. The assignment said not in the first paragraph, i.e., the paper was to be about how foils affect the meaning of this play.] Foils are minor characters created in a play to help the audience understand a major character better by giving the major character someone to talk to and compare them to. Ophelia can be considered a foil to Hamlet because she helps us see the different attitudes Hamlet has toward certain things. Hamlet, after finding out that his father was murdered, starts acting crazy and giving Ophelia mixed signals about his love for her. Ophelia believes Hamlet loves her but, because of her father’s wishes, constantly turns him down and denies that she feels the same way. Ophelia finally denounces denies that she loves him but Hamlet states that "I did love you once." He also stated that "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not." "Get thee to a nunnery." These lines from the play states [SV -1] that Hamlet was pretending to be delirious and pretending to love Ophelia because of what Claudius has done to his father. Not only does the scene, "Get thee to a nunnery," show how Hamlet feels about Ophelia, but it also shows how Hamlet feels about marriage and women. Hamlet tells Ophelia to go to the convent because she should not want to be a "breeder of sinners" and because there should be no more marriage. Hamlet does not want anymore marriage because that would mean more children and according to Hamlet the only children born to marriage are sinners. Ophelia is also considered a foil for Hamlet because of the difference in the way each grieved for their father’s deaths. The difference between the way Hamlet and Ophelia grieved is that Ophelia’s grief was actually for her father, whereas Hamlet’s grief was for his mother.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Johnson and Dubois :: Comparative, Literary Analysis, African American L

Johnson and Dubois Many parallels can be drawn between the works of W.E.B. DuBois and those of James Weldon Johnson. Johnson was greatly influenced by many concepts created by DuBois, especially those presented in DuBois's classic work The Souls of Black Folk. Johnson was so impressed with DuBois and his ideas that he sought him out in 1904 at Atlanta University. The two men developed a strong friendship and later worked for years together in the NAACP, Johnson's diplomatic temperment often balancing DuBois's more volitile one.* As Johnson developed his ideas about literature, he adopted the use of "double consciousness" the theme presented by DuBois in Souls of Black Folk. This theme was used significantly in Johnson's Autobiography. Along with this theme he came to embrace the idea of "racial distinctiveness" theorized by DuBois. DuBois argues in his book that spiritual contributions are what African-Americans bring to white American culture. Johnson's ideas about black distinctiveness within the frame of spirituality and creativity was strongly expressed in his poem "O Black and Unknown Bards." This poems plays on the themes of protest with a celebration of black distinctiveness and creativity in regards to slave spirituals. Johnson argues in the poem that the slave spirituals provide proof of the legitimacy of black literary independence, another theme Johnson adopted from DuBois. Another poem by Johnson which reflects ideas from DuBois is "The White Witch" In this poem, Johnson warns of the seductive charms of "the white witch" and is a militant call for African- Americans to preserve their heritage and distinctiveness. The images of white society brought forth by Johnson was very similar to those presented in DuBois's Souls, where he also calls out to African-Americans not to be tempted and corrupted by white materialism. Johnson and Dubois :: Comparative, Literary Analysis, African American L Johnson and Dubois Many parallels can be drawn between the works of W.E.B. DuBois and those of James Weldon Johnson. Johnson was greatly influenced by many concepts created by DuBois, especially those presented in DuBois's classic work The Souls of Black Folk. Johnson was so impressed with DuBois and his ideas that he sought him out in 1904 at Atlanta University. The two men developed a strong friendship and later worked for years together in the NAACP, Johnson's diplomatic temperment often balancing DuBois's more volitile one.* As Johnson developed his ideas about literature, he adopted the use of "double consciousness" the theme presented by DuBois in Souls of Black Folk. This theme was used significantly in Johnson's Autobiography. Along with this theme he came to embrace the idea of "racial distinctiveness" theorized by DuBois. DuBois argues in his book that spiritual contributions are what African-Americans bring to white American culture. Johnson's ideas about black distinctiveness within the frame of spirituality and creativity was strongly expressed in his poem "O Black and Unknown Bards." This poems plays on the themes of protest with a celebration of black distinctiveness and creativity in regards to slave spirituals. Johnson argues in the poem that the slave spirituals provide proof of the legitimacy of black literary independence, another theme Johnson adopted from DuBois. Another poem by Johnson which reflects ideas from DuBois is "The White Witch" In this poem, Johnson warns of the seductive charms of "the white witch" and is a militant call for African- Americans to preserve their heritage and distinctiveness. The images of white society brought forth by Johnson was very similar to those presented in DuBois's Souls, where he also calls out to African-Americans not to be tempted and corrupted by white materialism.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Economics Behind Climatic Change and Weather Predictions Essay

Weather forecasting can be defined in so many ways; one of such ways is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location.† Although the concept of weather forecasting seems exciting weather forecasters are taken for granted; people fail to realize that they have so much to contribute to the economy. ‘’Is it possible by any means to make weather predictions beyond one or two weeks’’. According to Matthew E. Kahn it has been proven, atmospheric scientists reports of long range climate forecast that are among the best that they have ever had, been able to predict climate for up to six months in advance. Long-range forecasts are usually for a period greater than seven days in advance but there are no absolute limits to the time. While short-range forecast is a weather forecast made for a time period up to 48 hours. The long range forecasts still have their limitations despite its importance with the use of modern technology and improved techniques to predict the weather. For example, weather forecasts for today or tomorrow are likely to be more accurate than predictions about the weather two weeks from now. People seem to have a need to know what's going to happen farther in the future than the next few days. So some atmospheric scientists have developed diverse ways to give generalized outlooks of what to expect farther ahead. But, these outlooks are different in several ways from regular daily forecasts. Outlooks for the weather in the months ahead do not attempt to firmly say that places will be warm or cold, wet or day. Instead, the outlooks are in terms of how the odds of a place been hot or cold will be shifted. Finally i... ... Works Cited Craft, Erik. "Economic History of Weather Forecasting" .EH.Net,Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. October 6, 2001. URL Assessed, 10/21/2011 J.D .Selman and C. Dennis Campden â€Å"seasonal weather forecasting and the requirement of the food supply chain† assessed 10/21/2011 â€Å"Accuracy of weather forecast in time.† William Jack, â€Å"long range forecast have limitation† Weather, May 19, 2005 Assessed, 11/04/2011. The Economics Behind Climatic Change and Weather Predictions Essay Weather forecasting can be defined in so many ways; one of such ways is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location.† Although the concept of weather forecasting seems exciting weather forecasters are taken for granted; people fail to realize that they have so much to contribute to the economy. ‘’Is it possible by any means to make weather predictions beyond one or two weeks’’. According to Matthew E. Kahn it has been proven, atmospheric scientists reports of long range climate forecast that are among the best that they have ever had, been able to predict climate for up to six months in advance. Long-range forecasts are usually for a period greater than seven days in advance but there are no absolute limits to the time. While short-range forecast is a weather forecast made for a time period up to 48 hours. The long range forecasts still have their limitations despite its importance with the use of modern technology and improved techniques to predict the weather. For example, weather forecasts for today or tomorrow are likely to be more accurate than predictions about the weather two weeks from now. People seem to have a need to know what's going to happen farther in the future than the next few days. So some atmospheric scientists have developed diverse ways to give generalized outlooks of what to expect farther ahead. But, these outlooks are different in several ways from regular daily forecasts. Outlooks for the weather in the months ahead do not attempt to firmly say that places will be warm or cold, wet or day. Instead, the outlooks are in terms of how the odds of a place been hot or cold will be shifted. Finally i... ... Works Cited Craft, Erik. "Economic History of Weather Forecasting" .EH.Net,Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. October 6, 2001. URL Assessed, 10/21/2011 J.D .Selman and C. Dennis Campden â€Å"seasonal weather forecasting and the requirement of the food supply chain† assessed 10/21/2011 â€Å"Accuracy of weather forecast in time.† William Jack, â€Å"long range forecast have limitation† Weather, May 19, 2005 Assessed, 11/04/2011.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

E-Tailing Persuasive Message

E-Tailing Many retailers have expanded their retail market to an online market. Using the internet to sell their goods is known as e commerce. â€Å"Ecommerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance† (Network Solutions, n. d. ). E commerce has expanded rapidly in recent years due to its convenience for the consumer and the increase in businesses that use electronic retailing (e-tailing). Businesses use different marketing methods in order to reach their customers and attract new ones. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is when businesses sell a product or service directly to the consumer (B2C). With direct marketing, businesses have several options in marketing to their consumers. Businesses can use direct mail, television ads, and internet marketing just to name a few. There has been a rise in direct marketing in recent years. The use of direct marketing can be more costs effective for a business without having the additional cost of the overhead of a traditional store. Amazon. com took book stores to the next level when they began their website selling books via the internet in the mid 1990s. Some companies such as skin care products Proactiv and Skin ID advertise on television and direct you to their websites to purchase their products. Businesses can reach customers directly through email when they sign up for mailing lists. Emails Businesses will contact customers directly through email. This happens often with existing customers. Wells Fargo bank will contact their customers with special offers of products and services with occasional emails. Other businesses will email their customers coupons to draw them into their stores. Baskin Robins ice cream lure their customers in their stores with email coupons promising them free ice cream on their birthday. Email marketing that offers customers special savings and free products can be a very effective marketing tool. Websites Internet consumers can find great deals on travel when they go to travel websites such as Expedia and Travelocity where customers can purchase airfare, rental cars and hotels. Many of these sites offer price matching and other incentive when consumers book their travel plans with their company. They also allow the customer to comparison shop different travel deals in order to eliminate confusion for the consumer. Click-and-Mortar A popular trend in e tailing has been click-and-mortar retailers. Click-and-mortar is typically when e-tailers have an existing store and have branched out into selling their products online (Turban, et al, 2008). Many retailers have expanded their stores to an online market with their stores websites. Stores such as Walmart and Best Buy have tapped into this market. Some of these retailers have some products that are only available for purchase online. Best Buy for example, will sell products that were available at one time in their retail stores but are now only available online. There has also been a shift with e-tailers have moved from internet only to physical brick-and-mortar stores. They have taken a popular, successful way of shopping and brought it to consumers in a traditional way. These e-tailers turned brick-and-mortar as well as those who rely solely on direct marketing can target their consumers with emails, banner ads on popular websites such as social networking sites, and with internet mailing lists. Some businesses do not have enough of a market for their goods to convert to a click-and-mortar retailer â€Å"because they would not have enough consumers† (Turban, et al, 2008). When e-tailers are trying to attract potential customers, no matter what medium they use all messages must follow a similar model. The sender must make clear the purpose of the message, choose the best media for their message, and the technology they will use to deliver the message. When a business chooses the right forum they can be very effective in e tailing. Persuasive Message Member of the Community, Your local City Animal Shelter is making the move into becoming a no kill shelter by the year 2012. We are asking the residents of this city to assist us in meeting this goal by participating in our upcoming low cost spay and neutering clinics. We are also asking for your donations in order to get our new training program up and running so that we may train some of our older dogs to assist the elderly and disabled members of our community. Although the number of animals that are being euthanized is on the decline, any animal put to death is a precious life lost. Countless numbers of animals are being senselessly euthanized as a matter of population control. In order to reach our goals, the shelter plans to begin training as many of the older animals as service dogs because these animals are the least likely to be adopted out and the most likely to be euthanized. Hosting a low cost vaccination clinic will help reduce the number of strays and unwanted animals in the community. Euthanizing animals can no longer be used as a method of population control. We must begin to use our cities unwanted animals in order to help our neighbors in the community that need our help. Please help us by participating in our spay and neutering clinics or with a contribution to get our program off and running. Together we can make this a no kill city and improve the quality of life for our cities elderly and disabled. Sincerely, Your City Animal Shelter References Network Solutions. (n. d. ). What is Ecommerce? Retrieved, May 10, 2010, from http://www. networksolutions. com/education/what-is-ecommerce/ Turban, E. , King, D. , McKay, J. , Marshall, P. , Lee, J. , & Viehland, D. (2008). Electronic commerce 2008: A managerial perspective (5th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Plain View Doctrine Essay

Plain View Doctrine is in essence a weapon for the law enforcement officers to prove the legality of their search and seizure. (â€Å"Plain View Doctrine†) As a rule, law enforcement officers are bound by the 4th Amendment which requires that before they could conduct a search or arrest they must first secure a valid search warrant or arrest warrant. Any object seized in the absence of a search warrant will be inadmissible in evidence. One of the exceptions however to the search warrant requirement is the Plain View Doctrine. The plain view doctrine gives validity to any search and seizure made by law enforcement officers even in the absence of search warrant. Although this doctrine is widely recognized as an exception to the search warrant requirement under the 4th Amendment, in reality, the law enforcement officer who discovers an illegal contraband in plain view does not really conduct a search. Rather, the law enforcement officer merely seizes what was already in his plain view. In applying the plain view doctrine in this fact pattern, I give a qualified answer. There are two issues in this case whether the marijuana cigarettes which the police officer found near the stolen purse is admissible in evidence under the plain view doctrine and whether the powdery substance the police officer found in the baggies on a patio table is admissible in evidence under the plain view doctrine. In the first scenario, I argue that the marijuana cigarettes found on the ground together with the other contents of the stolen purse is admissible in evidence against its owner. The three requirements of the plain view doctrine are present in this case. Firstly, the police officer discovered the marijuana cigarettes using his sense of sight. Secondly, the officer had the right to be in the place where the item was seen. It must be stressed that the police officer who discovered the marijuana conducted a hot pursuit operation of a fleeing suspect. In the course of the chase, the suspect dropped the stolen purse spilling its contents. Thirdly, the marijuana cigarette was found outside the purse and its discovery was not a result of prying or examination of the police officer. Clearly, the marijuana cigarette is admissible against its owner. On the other hand, I argue that the powdery substance or the illegal drugs found in the baggies on top of the patio table is inadmissible in evidence for violation of the 4th Amendment. In this case, the first and third requirements of the plain view doctrine were complied with. The police officer discovered the illegal contraband using his sense of sight and that the discovery of the illegal drugs was not the result of prying or examination. The illegal drugs were merely inadvertently discovered by the police officer when he entered the yard of the owner. However, the second requirement was not complied with. In this case, the police officer had no right to be in the place where he saw the illegal drugs. It must be stressed that the plain view doctrine applies only when a lawful search is in progress or the officer was otherwise legally present at the place of the seizure. Following a long line of jurisprudence, among the possible reasons why a police officer may be considered to be legally present in a particular place is if a) he is serving a search warrant, b) he was in hot pursuit of a suspect; c) he made the entry through valid consent; d) he made a valid arrest with or without a warrant. The officer was not serving a search warrant since he had none. The officer was not also in hot pursuit of a suspect because when he entered the woman’s house the pursuit operation had ceased. At the time, the suspect was able to escape from him. There was no lawful consent coming from the owner when he entered the premises. At the time of the discovery, the police officer was not making a valid arrest with or without a warrant since there was no person to be arrested in the first place. Thus, I believe that this evidence is inadmissible in court. This is consistent with the ruling of the court in the case of Washington v. Chrisman (455 US 1), where the court ruled that the â€Å"The plain view doctrine, however, does not authorize an officer to enter a dwelling without a warrant to seize contraband merely because the contraband is visible from outside the dwelling†¦ the plain view doctrine applies only after a lawful search is in progress or the officer was otherwise legally present at the place of the seizure. The initial intrusion must be justified by a warrant, by an exception to the warrant requirement, or by other circumstances authorizing his presence. †(455 US 1)

Follow your Dreams

Most important factor in anyone's life. If you really want to fulfill your dreams then surround yourself with positive successful people who believe in your dreams. Common fact, whatever we get for an intake, we try to make our self regarding an environment. Some of us can be think totally out of the box but what about others? This thing would happen with most of us. It is very important to know that What is our aim, What is our values in our own life because we mostly tried to listen random options from others.Lets give you my own example. When I turned 25, There is something make me think what I actually want in my life and why I am here as a Human. Being human is much better than human being. To earn a handsome salary is the only motto of my Life†¦ (laugh) My aim was constantly blow regarding an outer Winds. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn't. But one day, I remember very clearly I found something special which really turns my whole entire life. It was not a Special Qu ote or big counseling it was Just a ‘Broacher' for Mass CommunicationCollege in Pune. But many hesitations came across in my mind. It seems so many hurdles like how would I get enroll in that college. Is my choose is right or not blaa, blaa.. But one thing was very clear and that is whatever hilarious situation may be came across my way.. but I will never ever see back again. I made something so clear that† Writing† is the only thing which I Born for!! Then What BINGO!! Days were passed and today is the day where you all reading my penning, my own sketched career.While having walk in my desirable career I get some auspicious persons whose suggestions, attentions, even scolding words made my skills so stronger. It is been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time. Have something to aim for, a dream that you hold close dream is not Just mean to fulfill your dream. Joseph Murphy penned down a beautiful quotes in his world famous book ‘The unco nscious mind' that everyone get what they actually want, Just need to be transfer it in your nconscious mind that you are fulfilling everything what you exactly want.Everyone must think at once, Who you are and what you actually want? No matters whether you want to become Chef, Artists, Manager or even Writer. Simplify and identify your own way and go for a walk in your own path. Believe in yourself. Try to be an optimist in every sovereign situations. Try to introduce yourself a more powerful individual in this small Cosmos. Be like a Labor . And show your liability our laborite that you are not Just something but you are everything in your life.I Choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to be useful not used, to be excel not compete, I choose self- esteem not self pity, I choose to listen my inner voice, not the random options for others. And the bottom line is We are only responsible for our own Happiness. So go and get ready to make your own master piece because today is a perfect day to start living your dreams. Dreams don't work unless you do. Best Luck!!!!! Follow your Dreams By monicanagdeote

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Assets, liabilities, equity Essay

Accounting, per se, is based on five types of accounts namely: assets, liabilities, equity, income and expense. These account types belong either of the Balance sheet accounts or Income and Expense accounts. Assets, liabiliites, and equity fall under the balance sheet account and the rest goes to the income and expense accoutnts. Definining each, asset is composed of a group of things that an individual or an entity owns. These includes tangible items like car, cash or often stocks (intangible) and others that possess convertible values. On the other hand, liabilities are group of things on which an individual or an entity is indebted to. Loans and mortgages are the common examples of liabilities. Equity, is what we also call net worth – an amount that is represented to be the remainder after deducting the liabilities of an individual’s or an entity’s from its group of assets. Meanwhile, income is the same as profit – something that you earn as payment from the time, services, or goods that you offered in exchange of money. Expenses include all those monetaries that were used to acquire the goods or services of someone else. Amongst various accounts in an entity, the stocks swap and replacement costs are the fundamental accounts that change when an entity assimilates to a corporate merger. Stock swap is frequently used in the accounts of a corporate merger since it does not prohibit the shareholders of merging companies to distribute among them the risk that is involved in the merging transaction. Replacement cost, on the other hand is comes in when entities will employ cost in replacing that target company. However, replacment cost can only be true in most cases where an industry does not give services. References Investopedia ULC (2008) Mergers and Acquisitions: Introduction. Retrieved November 17, 2008, from http://www. investopedia. com/university/mergers/default. asp Money Instructor (2005) Basic Accounting Terminology 101. Retrieved November 17, 2008, from http://www. moneyinstructor. com/art/basicaccounting. asp

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Recently a small Young Enterprise Essay

Recently a small â€Å"Young Enterprise† group has set up a Sweet Stand, which sells a variety of sweets and soft drinks. The staff working at this Sweet Stand are Dave Currall (The Manager), Natalia Gelder (Assistant Manager). At the moment, the records which hold the information, are all paper based. This problem requires for Dave Currall to keep records in order, and also wastes time in writing the information down for the records. A stock check takes a lot of time to do although Nature of the problem User’s requirements 1. Stock checking forms. 2. Stock not re-ordered. 3. Wrong Minimum re-order quantities. 4. Don’t know who supplies which item. 5. Takes time and is difficult to prepare orders. 1. Form to use for stock checking. 2. Automatically identify when stock is low. 3. Items have a re-order quantity. 4. Each item has its known supplier. 5. System creates printed orders. Details of the problem Details of the user’s requirements 1. Stock checking form – its paper based. This means that too much time is taken filling in the stock check form. Paper can be easily lost; also after a period of time it begins to look all messed up. Repeating the tasks again and again wastes time. 2. Stock is not re-ordered which leads to that the items are running out, and customers will go elsewhere. 3. Wrong Minimum re-order quantities – re-order levels are being guessed, therefore at times too much, stock is being re-ordered. As a result, there are problems with the storage space; items go passed their sell-by-date and have to be thrown away. 4. We don’t know whom supplies which item, it also takes time to find the items, and the items could go to a wrong supplier leading to a loss of money. 5. Takes time, and is difficult to prepare orders – we need to know which items are low on stock, what items are needed, and who the order is coming from (the supplier). 1. Stock checking form – computer generated list of items that can be used to record the number of each item in stock. 2. Automatic low stock warning – the system needs to identify when a current item is below a certain mark of stock and will need to be highlighted for re-ordering. 3. Item re-order quantity – each item has a number, which is used as a re-order quantity. 4. Each item has its own supplier – the system needs to know if the supplier for each item, this could be coded, used to order items from the correct supplier. 5. System creates printed orders – the items that need re-ordering, are put on an order form which is then reading to be ordered with its certain No. in Stock. There will be a different order form for each supplier. This order form will require all of the important information. Method of collecting data Information collected   Items sold   No. in Stock of stock * Supplier   What the supplier suppliers/ what item(s)   Sell-by-date. Re-order level of items Method Used Items sold – The staff count the items and write all the stock items onto a list. So when an item is sold, the staff will write down what has been sold.   No. in Stock of stock – The staff will count how much stock of each item they have, and write it down on paper.   Supplier – The staff would contact the supplier and retrieve the information they need to know on what the supplier supplies.   What the supplier supplies/ what item(s) – The staff would contact the supplier and find out what stock the supplier has via telephone, letter, etc. Sell-by-date – each box of items shall have the same sell-by-date so the staff can write down the sell-by-date for that box and keep up to date with the items.   Re-order level of items – levels of items need to be monitored manually to see what items run out of stock quickly, and some items which don’t sell very much. This way different levels are aquired for each item. Suggested Alternatives Alternative solutions shall improve the Sweet Stand; these should be improving the capture of the records by inserting them into a database so that they are kept safe. It should be able to identify when an item should need to be recorded. Also, it will control the No. in Stock of each item. Also it will be able to identify which item has come from which supplier. Also, these orders will be prepared when an item needs to be reordered. Inputs, Processing and Outputs required Inputs Processing Outputs   Stock items   No. in Stock of stock   Supplier details   Re-order level   Formulae Stock check form   Order form   Stock listing report Detail of inputs, processing and outputs Name of input Detail of input Stock items. The items of stock that need to be ordered need to be input into the system No. in Stock of stock The number of items in stock will need to be an input into the system Suppliers details The information on the supplier will need to be input. This information is the address, name, and contact numbers. Re-order level The re-order level will need to be input for each item of stock. This is so that the calculation can alert the user that the item needs to be re-ordered. Name of Processing Detail of processing Formulae IF(‘RE-ORDER'

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

American History (the Old America and the New America) Essay

American History (the Old America and the New America) - Essay Example Author Gene Smiley (2008) writes that "despite the 1920-1921 depression and the minor interruptions in 1924 and 1927, the American economy exhibited impressive economic growth during the 1920s. The same can be said for the periods from 1992-2000, where the American economy grew only to worsen in the years after. Economic commentators in both era's have suggested that the 'seeds' to both the depression in the 1930's and the current recession in 2008 were sown in the boom periods preceding them. According to Smiley (2008), the 1920's America economic growth was very impressive. Many in the population owned cars, new household appliances, and homes. Innovations and inventions were in high rates and drove growth. Manufacturing was increasing leading to the growing rise in the productivity of labor and capital. New innovations and products created new markets and services. Company stocks experienced a boom in the markets. For example RCA, one of the 'high end' stocks of the era, experienced an appreciation in its value even though it paid no dividends: expectations were that high. Again similar to 'Old America', the period of the Internet boom of the late 1990s, led to a rapid expansion in the stock market for 'New America', especially for dot com and related companies. Schisms in 1920 American Society While America has transcended much of its infamous past, the issues of those days caused major splits in opinions between the supporters and those in opposition. The issues included conflicts of city and country, science and religion, and even issues relating to relationship with the monarchy and modernism. Schisms were the proof of America's multi-racial, multi-cultural fabric and multi-idealistic society. The 'melting pot' of nations was battling for its identity and there was a lot of resistance and disagreements. The Conflict of City and Country The so-called war [of ideas] between 'Old America' and 'New America' was in full throttle about the 1920's. Around 1919 anti-immigrant sentiments, nativism and radicalism were on the rise, mostly directed at the new arrivals from Southern and Eastern Europe. During period, urbanization trends were on the rise among native-born American population. The trends were spurred on because many Americans were now first time owners of automobiles. A drove of individuals from rural America migrated into the cities, and the cities expanded into the rural hinter lands. This shift brought issues between the city and country to the 'front burner' of debates. Yet this split between the rural and urban life was not between two exclusively opposing sides; there was an intertwining relationship. There were small towns with radicals and immigrants citizens, and a majority of people in cities still had ties to the country or were from it. At times the schisms seemed like they would 'destroy' the country. Indeed for many of the rural or city-dwellers the times were apocalyptic. There were no shortages of movements and schools of thoughts 'preaching' Freudianism, Evolutionism, and innumerable other ideas that seemed to be in concert to erase the traditional life or values of 'Old America'. It was also during this period that America initiated

Monday, August 12, 2019

Gas-particle flow through preforated plates Thesis

Gas-particle flow through preforated plates - Thesis Example Historically developing and investigating such systems has been a complex endeavour. These challenges have been ameliorated significantly with the introduction of fluid computational systems. This text is aimed at analysing gas particulate systems that are specifically designed for service with perforated plate systems. Perforated plate systems present unique challenges in themselves because of the effects of closely placed fluid streams. This investigation will attempt to describe gas solid systems flowing through perforated plates by developing a complete background through secondary research. Various industrial and other applications necessitate the utilisation of gas solid systems. These systems have been in use for a long period of time dating to as far back as the 1920’s when commercial attempts at coal gasification were being performed. The forty’s saw the application of these multi phase systems to the FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) systems while the fifties saw an increase in their use to processes such as sulphide roasting, drying and calcining. Similarly the sixty’s witnessed the growth of these systems to the commercial production of various monomers such as the production of acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride and oxychlorination processes. (Crowe) In rapid succession the seventies also witnessed various improvements in these petro chemical processes with the use of multi phase systems. However, through these entire developments one thing remained common to all processes other than the use of solid gas systems. This commonality was the use of per forated plates to mix up these gas solid systems. (Crowe, Sommerfield and Yutaka, Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles) The preference provided to perforated plates stemmed from the need to let fluid streams through and to ensure enough turbulence to promote mixing. In due course of time, these solid gas systems along with the use of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Capacity and Forecasting at Green Valley Bakers Research Paper - 1

Capacity and Forecasting at Green Valley Bakers - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that the concepts of capacity utilization and forecasting techniques are very important for any business venture. Indeed, an entrepreneur or businessman will only venture to invest his capital in a business if he knows and understands that it will give him a good return on the capital invested. It takes a lot of time, effort and skills to plan out the start of operations, from where the inventory will come, how and when sales will be made and at what margins, so that some profit is left over to compensate the businessman and other stakeholders of the business, if there are any, after the costs and expenses of the bakery have been paid out. Forecasting must also take into account the current and future environment as regards legal, technological, social and other phenomena such as changes in Government policy regarding taxation on bakeries, prices of inventory items, changing tastes of consumers and improvements in baking technology. The researcher will consider all these as he evolves a strategy for capacity utilization and demand and sales forecasting at Green Valley Bakers. Capacity utilization has been one of the main concerns of entrepreneurs and industrialists right from the very beginning of organized business enterprise. In fact, the start of the Industrial Revolution saw much of the population of villages move to the cities, lured by the prospects of gainful employment and higher and more consistent wages, thereby leading to a better lifestyle and social progress. Imagine their predicament when they were forced to move into often cramped and squalid living quarters, eating meager rations and toiling long hours in factories and mills that sought only to gain the most advantage from this situation. It was only after the refusal of workers in Chicago to continue to work under these appalling conditions that the world has moved towards respecting the rights of the workers. Even the economists of old regarded Labor as but a factor of p roduction. As regards capacity, J.B Say remarked that Supply would create its own demand. And the production concept in marketing so popular in the 1950s enunciated that if one built a better mousetrap (meaning product), people would flock to your door to buy it. Even today there is a debate among economists as to whether Full Employment or Partial Unemployment is better for the economy.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Reality TV Influence on the Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reality TV Influence on the Audience - Essay Example As the discussion stresses  during the initial years of the twenty first century, viewers watched reality TV to observe people’s lives, watch them argue, fight, eat bizarre things and reveal personal details of their lives. These reality shows were humored and harmless. But with time, the essence of reality TV has changed. People now participate in reality shows to contest against each other in order to win some prize or gain popularity. This reflects increased competitiveness and materialism prevailing in the society.  This research declares that  as television drama became more violent and sexually explicit, reality TV evolved as a more meaningful genre of TV shows that present viewers with more competitive and bitter versions closer to reality. Psychologists present interesting explanation as to why reality shows are very popular. One of the primary reasons is that viewers can identify themselves with the participants who are initially ordinary people and then become famous. Secondly, they enjoy the competitive nature of such shows since there are always winners and losers.  Reality TV is taking over regular TV and is polluting people’s mind. Violence, distorted pictures of reality, language and stunts are marking a lot of reality TV. These shows are very entertaining but many professionals are expressing concerns over the harmful implications. They point out that negative impacts of reality TV are higher for children and teenagers than adults.

Illicit Trafficking of All Types Research Paper

Illicit Trafficking of All Types - Research Paper Example The activities along these ports have attracted human traffickers, drug barons and even terrorists. Many South American illegal goods find their way in Africa through the ports in the Indian Ocean. This may be attributed to corruption and poor custom laws and regulations (Ploch, 2010). With the effects of the trafficking activities affecting many international countries the sensitivity of the matter has increased. In this paper I will focus on Kenya activities along the Kenyan coast. The paper will focus on human, drugs and weapon trafficking in Kenya. Additionally, it will focus on the effects of these activities in the country and the international community. The paper will have an insight on how the trafficking activities affect the United States. Kenya’s port city of Mombasa is one of the largest cities along the coast of the horn of Africa. Neighboring countries like Uganda and Rwanda use the port for export purposes since they are landlocked. This has made the port becom e the largest port in East Africa. This has attracted interests from many illegal stakeholders. First on focus is the issue of weapon trafficking. According to Shelly (2010) about 5,000 illegal firearms enter the country on an annual basis. These weapons find their way into the hands of interested people in the country. They are later sold at cheaper prices to pastoralist communities and other illegal gangs. In other instances, the firearms end up in other neighboring countries. Apart from the trafficking of firearms, explosive devices in Kenya are also on the increase. During this year, the country has had about seven explosive attacks in major cities. The explosives used in the scenes are said to have originated from a foreign country. Most firearms in Kenya are usually from the neighboring Somalia or destined to Somalia. Somalia is an unstable country, hence, traffickers find it an easier route to smuggle weapons to Kenya. Weapon trafficking in Kenya also involves top government officials. These powerful individuals are usually the masterminds of trafficking activities in the country. This hinders any investigative procedures from taking place. Weapon trafficking in Kenya has greatly affected the United States. In the year 1998 the US embassy was a main target in a terrorist attack in Nairobi. The terrorist attack was the worst attack experienced in the country. The Al- Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the attack and said it was aimed at destroying the US embassy. This was evidence that weapon trafficking in the country is a more complicated and strategized crime (Clinton, 2010). The United States government had to highly compensate the victims of the attack. Drug trafficking in Kenya has also been an emerging issue as far legality is concerned. Through its coastal town Mombasa, drugs enter the country from South American countries. Large consignments of drugs find their way to Kenya through various entry points. Entry points include border with neigh boring countries, through airports and majorly through the port of Mombasa. In the coastal city, many youths are now in rehabilitation centers after being exposed to drugs at a very young age. Many youths turn into small scale peddlers. They sell the drugs to school students and other young people. This has destroyed the young generation in Kenyan coastal region. Just like the weapon trafficking menace, powerful personalities are greatly involved in the smuggling of drugs into the country (Ploch, 2010). From the coastal