Saturday, June 1, 2019

What is useful in Freuds theory of dreams? Essay -- Psychology Psycho

The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind .1 opus Freud already used hypnosis and free association with his patients, he soon felt the need to include the interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis as well. Freud decided he would developped his theory of dreams to go further in his analysis. According to Freud, dreams allow unconscious desires, fears or emotions to express themselves in a disguised way. Dreams are an expression of wish outcome communicating through symbols.Throughout this essay, we will ask ourselves how dreams and their interpretation can be useful to psychoanalysis. Why pay attention to night syncope to go deeper in the analysis? How and why do we dream? What relationship is there between sleeping, dreaming and stimuli? How far can the interpretation of dream lead? argon there limits to Freuds theory of dreams?Freuds theory of dreams completes the method of psychoanalysis free association and interp retation when studying the meaning of dreams allow a deeper understanding of the patient. Through his theorys dream-work process, Freud explores the mechanisms of unconsciousness to analyse the process of imaginary wish fulfilment.** *Dreams and their interpretation appear to be a controversial issue never reaching consensus. Before focusing on the elaboration of his theory of dreams, Freud noticed there were three different appreciations commonly made of dreams (1) dreams are the expression of a superior state where repressed fantasies reappear (2) medical experts believe dreams respond to sensorial and stomatic stimuli (3) the public consider dreams have a meaning.2 On those premises, Freud has developped and strenghten... ...or the understanding of dreams and the psychoanalysis research, it seems to have its limits and uncertainties. The arbitrary involved in the interpretation and the generalization relevant to Freuds seduction theory can be easily criticized.Works CitedFREU D, Sigmund, Sur le Rve, (Gallimard Paris 1998)FREUD, Sigmund, 1. Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, translated by James Strachey, (Penguin harbors 1991)FREUD, Sigmund, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Standard Edition, (W.W. Northon and Company 1989)FREUD, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams, translated by A.A. Brill in 1911, Plain Label Books, (Chumley P. Grumley1913)LACAN, Jacques, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XI, (W.W.Northon and Company 1998)LAPLANCHE, PONTALIS, Vocabulaire de la Psychanalyse, 4e dition (Quadrige 2004)

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